As I break the soil, with the shovel in my hands
Sweat drips from my brow, evaporating on the ground
The headstone behind the fresh grave reads my name, as the date exclaims, it happens today
My mind was so clear
How was i supposed to stay awake
Fog rolled across my mindscape
Walls crafted by masons of my psyche
Cracks spider webbing breaking down an entry
Don’t break me
I can’t see, So cloudy
I saw them laying on the painting
And when you stepped into the colors
You got washed away, by the differеnt shades
I lost you, I lost the pallet, and you lost thе way
Don’t drown in the color
What do you see
In parallel themes
Distorted dreams
Don’t put the brush down
My veins flow red
Don’t let your soul drown
Bring it back from the dead
Rot the gray shade
Watch it radiate