I am from wine, and a delicious dinner
From dates and data
I am from a kiss and a connection
French, and an attraction
I am from chemistry, and biology
From physics and powerful words
I am from molecules, and particles
Jeans, genes and goals
I am from left over dinner plates in a dim light
I am from notebooks scribbled with drawings and love notes
Blurry goggles and bruised glasses
I am from cameras, new or used
From worn out couches and busted shoes
I am from oxygen and dopamine
I am from a microwave, with a time reading on the screen
I am from watches that no longer tell time
Laptop still turned on, peacefully on standby
I am from torn bracelets
CDs and video games, and games
I am from puzzles, enigmas, Marvel and comics
I am from cases and a quick fix
Clay, wood working and paintings
I am from late open nights and strict early mornings
From anime heroes and Legos, and Hasbro
I am from Transformers, science and faith, halo
I am from upturned beds and controllers
Trains, and buses
I am from soft lips and captive eyes
Music and lullabies, lol and a bye
I am from books with shiny epic covers
I am from issues and tissues, and magazine issues
From curled up pages and ink stains
From ceramic tiles and beige paint