i want to be monkey, I saw this cute monkey GIF the other day
his name was gog 73
repeat that after me
i wanna be monkey and I know exactly what your thinking, but brother monkeys aren't real, you can't be monkey because you are human
so I looked at my brother and I punched his ass
i went to the zoo and looked at a monkey, I hallucinated that I was monkey
gog 73, don't look at me I'm gog 73, I just wanna be monkey
gog 73, there no trouble with being a monkey, I'm gog 73
i just want to be monkey why won't pеople let me bе myself
gog 73, there nothing wrong with me, I'm just a beautiful monkey
cause I'm gog 73 no reason to look at me, I'm just minding my own monkey business
I'm just eating bananas all day
cause I'm gog 73, I'm a beautiful monkey, there's nothing wrong with me
hey brother it's been 3 months, I'm calling you because I want to tell you that I'm an Otherkin now, I wear monke suits and do my own monke business, I'm a monke now
come over to my house to see my surgery because its pretty cool, I am really close to being a real monke boy now
goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooog 73 he he he heeheheheeee
gog 73, I'm a real monkey boy, there's no denying that
gog 73, I'm a true real man, I'm a little beautiful ape, I'm gog 73, I'm a monkey now, I proved my family wrong in the veins of gog 73
hey mom, I just wanted to tell you that I'm marrying my monkey girlfriend right now, come over to the wedding and say hi to us, I haven't heard from
you guys in so long and I just want to let you know that I love you guys, no matter how much you reject me you are still my parents
I just want one call every year from you, I'm sure you can manage to talk to your own son at least once a year mom, I love you
I love dad, I love my brother, I love you all