Mundus plenus monstrorum
Parietes odium spirantes
Tranquillus manendum
Et continuandum
Vanitas vanitatum
Et omnia vanitas
Hic nil diu durabit
Nether after deathless nether
Abyss underneath fathomless abyss
Count your blessings
As long as there still is
A “you” to get upset
I’ve been sinking for so long
That “up” is no more
Than a crumbling memory
Abyss underneath fathomless abyss
So devoid of soul
Even fungus turns away
In loathing of what’s left
No photon has ever strayed
To where blackness itself
Becomes a blinding light
Time and mind
Eaten alive
Rеduced to a tumorous hole
I’ve been rotting for so long
That “I” has fadеd
To a mere threadbare nexus
Of vacuous woe
A universe crushed below
A multitude of universes
Past and future
Mangled in the bottomless void
Of an annihilated presence
Death - a relic of happier times