Destroy Baylon
F*** your compromise with a half life of indulgence
F*** your shaking hands dripping blood and disgrace
Peace is the inspiration of my struggle
Though war is the only state of mind I know
Every image of exploitation
Every image of exploitation is my war
I want to step onto a higher level of consciousness and declare
open war against those who still rape
Mother Nature
Use your third eye and do believe those towers of filth can be
destroyed one more time.
Read and educate yourself, embrace arms as talk has failed us to
bring their liberation.
This is what we used to scream out loud
Now you believe in violence
Well I do too, yours is against Nature
Mine is against you
Direct action is the only weapon we have to accomplish our goals.
I still swear allegiance to self, human, earth and animal liberation
That's why I want to destroy
That's why I want to destroy Babylon
Destroy Babylon, now.