Beyond darkened horizons, a somber future looms
The final destruction of everything
all life on earth is doomed
The last forests are still standing, but not for very long
Slowly, surely, inevitably, everything will soon be gone
As I wander through the last forest, I slowly look around
Silence, rotting blackened death
no sign of life is to be found
Total desecration, where wildlife once thrived
The shocking revelation - there's nothing left alive
Just around the corner, when the last trees are cut down
A solemn scene of what once was
an eerie quiet, not a sound
A dead forest, stillness, no wind rushing through the leaves
A disgusting frozen wasteland
just barren ground and fallen trees
Just like the island
that bares the name of the savior's crucifixion
Of situations, we share the same
we've caused our own afflictions
It's not a product of fantasy, it's happening very soon
The only consolation is all humans will die too