Ishtar... Mother Of Mankind
A glorious day in heaven ,
a fine day to be born under the grace of the gods.
A creature of light enjoy the irrefutable power,
transformed in a presence with good
feelings to save the mankind
Amma: "You will be called isthar,
mother if mankind. goddes of prosperity,
fetility, the stars, love and music."
Now you represent wisdom on holiness,
You will disappear evilness on the earth,
and you shall bring eternal life of mortals,
Ishat: I feel pride father !!! Thank you
for bringing me the power and eternal life:
You are the king of the gods and
the father of endless wisdom!!!
Amma: Now take your throne and rule.
Ascend the throne my younger
and time will be your
Mother of mankind now you dwell harea and
you will die in pain and the mortals
in sin and black feelings, they will die.