The Lake That Makes the Wave
Oh Lord, have mercy
Help me see your hand
As it moves my mind above my brain
Lord, won't you make it new
Or just break it in two?
(But I thought I'd already been changed…)
What will become of this love?
It wells within and surrounds everything
It's just too much
Have mercy, Master
Help me see through these eyes
These gypsum alabaster moons
Twin spinning mirrors
In the dead of night
They see but by Thy reflected light
What will become of this love?
The lake that makes the wave
Then swallows it up
Have mercy, Maker
Wake me from this restless sleep
And with ready feet and hands respond
To the Bell's still ringing brass
And the shrill twin trumpet blasts
And this drum like chest you pound upon
What will become of this love?
Keep it safe and far away
As a trust
Heavenly will
Move me
Heavenly will
Make me still
Heavenly will
Move me
Heavenly will
Make me still