So fucking sick of damning voices
Spitting venom from a stool perched on gold
"They're taking from the little I gave you"
Ugly, naked, clutching spoils from the poor
"I will choose all your enemies
Hear my cackles ring out in the streets"
Corrupt and sickened from the greed and the loathing
"You will blame those whose life hangs by a thread"
Scratch out the eyes, choke on words of hate, spite and contempt
Forgo compassion, and purge all empathy, yearn for blood on your teeth
Scratch out the eyes and spit at each face your hatе, your loathing
Forgo compassion and take your aim to bite at the hand that's in need
A light has gonе out, a flame has been smothered
A choice in the moment or a tapestry woven?
A knife that's been dulled, you're choking on venom
Convinced of their values, you're a misguided weapon
A light's gone out, light's gone out
A choice in the moment or a tapestry woven?
A light's gone out, light's gone out