Through your eyes and through your ears
It has invaded your decideless mind.
You can't escape, you cannot hide, 'cause
You've let the shadow controle your life.
It's like a disease, a deadly virus.
Much stronger than life, 'cause it dwells in faith.
Fear is the power for existence on earth.
Through your belief it proceeds the way.
Mysterious fear, you can't explane.
You see a shadow, hear a whisper.
Eyes dwell in darkness, searching for evidence.
In silence you listen to your environment.
There's no sound, still you can hear.
Twisted focus, silhouette in progress.
No one is there, exept in your mind.
No one for real, someone in your head.
Within innocent eyes, future was created.
Through a decideless mind, your life was formed.
The impact of sight on the brain of a child,
Learning the wrong way, living the wrong life.
Makes less contact, start to invent his friends.
Those, he can leave for the call of the screen.
No parents involved, teached by a program.
Scared to sleep, to relive the horror just seen.
Live on your own, 'cause others can hurt,
Has been accepted by your shadowed thoughts.
Only accept what has been entered by programs
You've seen your entire life.
In their eyes evil equals a
Lifestyle they don't know for real.