I just needed a sunny place
To read this fucking book about sociology
Vienna is so fucking loud
All these cars make my ears bleed
Give me back a little space
Where I can rest my eyes
Lay my head back on her lap and watch
Watch her lips move back and forth
If you dare to speak to me
I can put a spell on your mouth
If you dare to speak to me
I can put a spell on your mouth
Don't disturb my silence, don’t disturb my space
I have found this sunny place for me
I won't let you take it away
I have found my voice again
I won't let you take it from me
[Verse 3]
I will tеach my son how to be brave and radically soft
He won’t need to toughеn up
He won't need to be a stone-cold man
'Cause I can see the tears behind my father's eyes
He hasn't, he hasn't cried in a while
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