I was a lost boy in the woods
Trying my darnedest to be what I could
Socks soaked in sorrow with no place to be
Nobody there accompanying me
Morning did break but the sun would escape
Day after day the shadows would play
Silhouette strings on the stony moonbeams
No voices of light, no eureka screams
Is there a place for a man with no face
Wandering alone with no place to go?
I think I could save him if he wasn't mine
If I saw this coin on another side
It will come from something greater than me
The voice in the trees, Oh those birds singing
It will come from something deep within
Explain my theory of everything
Oh, my daddy ain't here
Oh, my momma ain't here
Oh, my sister ain't near
Oh, I'm just right here
My heart is a painted cathedral
With stained glass windows and a violet steeple
Something glows there I've never seen
Grabs onto my arteries
It's not there to arrest me
It's not there contesting
It doesn't ask confession
But I know I've learned my lessons
Oh, my daddy's right here
Oh, my momma's right here
Oh, my sister is near
Oh, I'm just right here
My vision was off when I looked inside
But now I see with newborn eyes
See, now I bring my surroundings in
And find my place in everything