NURSE: Excuse me, doctor? If you have a moment.
DOCTOR: A moment? What's the question?
NURSE: More of a situation, a gentleman in Exam 3.
DOCTOR: What's the problem?
NURSE: That is the problem, we're not sure.
DOCTOR: You've got the chart?
NURSE: Right here.
DOCTOR: Hmm... not much here, is there?
NURSE: No doctor, no obvious physical trauma, vitals are stable
NURSE: No sir.
DOCTOR: Did someone drop him off? Maybe we can speak to them. Let's get some background on this fellow.
NURSE: No ID, nothing, and he won't speak to anyone.
DOCTOR: Well, let's say hello.
DOCTOR: Good morning, I'm Dr. Watson. How are you today? How are you today? Look son, you're in a safe place, we want to help you, in whatever way we can. But you need to talk to us, we can't help you otherwise. Now, what's happened? Tell me everything.