Where's Your Dignity?
Hilary Duff Where's your Dignity Lyrics
Verse 1
Dignity. It all started here. When i was in Houston.
Was a little Girl who underestimated herself.
Dignity is what inside. Can't base it on ur income or a guy.
Girl Get some dignity. Where has your dignity gone.
It seems like yesterday you were telling me the same thing.
Dignity Girl. It takes dignity to rule the world.
Girls where yall dignity. cause i'm im not gone let
no boy walk right over me. Cause i have dignity.
Dignity. It all started here.
Lost it one time but it reappaeared
'cause on guy trampled on my heart. broke it apart
and now i believe in myself to have me a peice of dignity.
chorus (x2)
i use to walk the halls alone
but every since my dignity came im not alone
but you have to believe . that deep in yourself you can
you can. you can . you can
find some dignity. yeah yeah yeah. oh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Chorus (x2)
find some dignity (x2)
Girls find some dignity.
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