Broken streets, broken dreams that's what we're faced with, it seems but we won't give up, no way we'll rise up, and seize the day
We're the municipality, the voice of the streets we're the one's who keep it real, who keep it sweet we're the heartbeat of the city, the pulse of the town we're the municipality, and we're turning it around
Systematic oppression, it's a cryin' shame but we won't be silenced, we won't be tamed we'll keep on fighting, till we're free that's the municipality, that's just me
I'm unstoppable, untamed, and unafraid I'm gonna keep on fighting, till I reach the top of the stage I won't back down, I won't give in I'm a warrior, I'm a champion, I'm gonna win
We're the change we want to see we're the one's who'll make it be we're the municipality, united we stand we'll make a difference, hand in hand
So don't you ever give up, don't you ever lose faith keep on fighting, keep on pushing, you're gonna make it great you're unstoppable, untamed, and unafraid you're a champion, you're a winner, you're gonna make it happen yeah!