Uncle Jimmy
Yo-landi: Uh, hi Jimmy.
Jimmy: Yolandi, hi. Come in. How you doin'?
Yo-landi: I just wanted to ask you...
Jimmy: Come sit down. Come sit here, right here on my lap.
Yo-landi: Uh..okay..uh..well.
Jimmy: There you go. You want some herbal tea?
Yo-landi: Uh, no thanks.
Jimmy: You sure?
Yo-landi: I'm fine. Thanks.
Jimmy: Oh, Yolandi, look at you. You're so cute and squishy,
look at your little cheeky weekys you're so cute. I just want
to keep you here in my office as my little pet; feed you,
bathe you, comb your pretty hair. You don't have to do
anything you don't want to do, you hear me Yolandi?
Yo-landi: Mhmm
Jimmy: Yeah, don't let anyone around here f*** you around.
Yo-landi: Okay.
Jimmy: You need anything, you hear me, if you need anything,
come here to my office, sit right here on my lap and tell
Uncle Jimmy what you need, and I will give the f*** up. You got that?
Yo-landi: Yes, Jimmy.
Jimmy: No, call me Uncle Jimmy.
Yo-landi: Yes, Uncle Jimmy.