You'll turn me upside down
You leave me completely speechless
But oh my God
This is all because I'm not her
You talk about her
You smile with her
I saw your messages to her
She needs you
And you need her
You talk about her
I hear about her
You smile with her
I saw your messages to her
She needs you
And you need her
You talk (not so much)
Hearing about her is like slowly peeling my skin off
I don't want to hear about her
But I know I will
You talk about her
And that makes you happy
So if it makes you happy I'll listen
I'd do anything for you
I'd give my heart to her if I had to
I'd die saving her if it made you feel good
Oh boy you've got me hypnotized
I feel so tamed
I'd do anything you ask
If you want I'll buy her wedding dress
So she can marry you
After all
You'll never know that I like you
Because I'll never tell
Oh but I want to scream
Your asshole I like you
I fucking love you
You freaking idiot
But wait
You have her
And you like her
So I will remain silent
And die in silence
Every day by your side
Until the day my body dies
And I take this love to the grave