I think
I think I've gone too far
Maybe I'm too far
I know I've gone too far
The well has become a black hole
And I'm at the bottom of it
My scars have been itching
And maybe I've been picking at them
And maybe they're bleeding
Just maybe
I think they're bleeding again
I've been enjoying hot baths
Oh I used to hate them
But now they heat my whole body
My body feels scalding and almost peeling
It's like bathing in a volcano
I've been taking so many baths lately
Maybe it's all come back
Maybe they never left
After all they've always been here
At the bottom of the black hole
I'm so lonely
I feel so lonely
Alone bleeding
But oh
Oh no
I heard it again
I heard: Oh you're finally getting better
Oh shit
I'm dying
Like I've never been before
Deeper than I've ever been
And now it's invisible to others
Oh shit
I'm going to die
In silence
And no one will know I'm gone
Because I'm alone
At the bottom of this black hole
And no one can see me from here
Oh crap
How did I get this far?