War pimp renaissance
War pimp renaissance
War pimp renaissance
War pimp renaissance
[Verse 1]
Yippee tai-yai-yai-yai yo
Evil Commie empire's gone
Yippee tai-yai-yai-yai yay
Now we're the only one
"Let there be peace on earth"
Whatever gave you that idea?
Our economy depends on guns
We'll have an arms race with ourselves
Forward to the caves
War pimp renaissance
War pimp renaissance
War pimp renaissance
War pimp renaissance
[Verse 2]
General who's never been to war
Is like a rapist who's never been laid
Like shootin' fish in a barrel
Inner child must be fed
Deep fry a quarter million ragheads
Into crispy eagle snacks
Pure chewing satisfaction
Pure chewing satisfaction
Ah, ha-ha-ha!
Question ain't "Who killed JFK?"
But "Where are they now?"
War pimp renaissance
War pimp renaissance
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh oh
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
War pimp renaissance
War pimp renaissance
War pimp renaissance
War pimp renaissance
[Verse 3]
Who's a-gonna buy our missiles?
Who's a-gonna buy our guns?
Everyone on the whole damned planet
We'll throw in free land mines
Starve the Russians 'til a nut takes over
Put the arms race back on boil
As the world's population's exploding
Wars for water, not oil
Too damn many people already
Clutter land we could use for golf
Egg 'em on to bloodbaths like Rwanda
Help 'em eat each other alive
Praise God
We brought the rapture on
Hey, wait for me