[Rich Daddy]
Yo Flawda Baby
[Flawda Mane]
[Rich Daddy]
Yo baby lemme talkin' to you playuh
You see how I line mine up like the horizon?
[Flawda Mane]
[Rich Daddy]
You come over here you got all these slabs in my grass
[Flawda Mane]
Bro bro you know I love old’ schools and now
I'm in a position where I can finally get the ones I wanted
[Rich Daddy]
Look playuh at least
[Flawda Mane]
I brought em' to the house
[Rich Daddy]
Playuh at least lemme have the homie’ line em' up for you
You be parkin' em' look
That's my hole man
[Flawda Mane]
[Rich Daddy]
Yeah look look
[Flawda Mane]
[Rich Daddy]
That's my puttin' green
[Flawda Mane]
Bro that's an 87’ Vette
[Rich Daddy]
That’s my puttin' green though fool’
[Flawda Mane]
Yeah but but that's my Vette
[Rich Daddy]
Aw' dang' mane I got this’ whole
Long driveway and' you tellin' me
We still stuck up?
[Flawda Mane]
Pretty much' duke'
[Rich Daddy]
[Flawda Mane]
That's the business'