We got the power
There's a great deal of pressure in this society of ours
For us not to think we simply accept what we are given
And frequently repeat what we have been told
From childhood to school and lastly to the boardroom
In reality and into the depth of essence all this diminish our power
Whereas we have got the power to combat other players
Those who are in control either politically spiritually and economically
With this essay courtesy of Althrilla broadcast live from PY
It is time to ignite all ya all to take back our power as citizens
Fathers mothers and children of this nation
First and foremost lets evaluate the merits of some of our traditional beliefs
Lets evaluate the outcomes of those did we attain power
Or we lost power collectively as a community
They are times traditional beliefs distract vital sense
Whereas common sense
We got the power
Democratic liberation we got the power
To distinguish worthier opinion pieces
And unsoundful ones all the proclamations made but our leaders
We can still evaluate what is potent or not
And we got to strive to see ourselves represented in our own government
In order to trust this democracy all we have is
Us to strengthen our nations resilience
We have to cast a vote for a party
That can serve our best interest
We got the power to
Put strong smart and authentic leaders
Whose leadership could be accountable
To every singular citizen
Lets go off jealousy hate and nepotism
We got the power to be black and intelligent
And educate ourselves
We don't have to wait for John Mackenzie and them other missionaries
To come and teach us all over again
Lets not let ignorance circumvent our intellect entirely
We got the power
We got the power to unite and soldier
For our own communities
Bring power back and forth to our own communities
Through art this creative artistic efforts regulate
An educational literate and wise nation
A strong industry involves identifying those
Artists slash activists
Committed to devote their artistry
In empowering the community
Rather than those with none meaningful songs
Worthier to brainwashing peoples minds
My family life education society center
Is committed to developing a nation
Of prepared youth and literate youth
Whom will lead with authenticity tomorrow
For the good of this nation
Investing in the future is necessary
To building strong communities
Tomorrow from here we build and uplift our own
If we dont take care of our own no one will
Who are tomorrow if we give away our own power
Coz we got the power
We got the power