"Daemonium vobiscum sit, fratres mei
-Et cum spiritu tuo
Convenimus hic laudatum
Caela contenebrantem
Cum his verbis:
Fiat malum!
Fiat tenebrae!
Fiat lamiae!
Sagae, striges
Fiar obscuritas"
Burning at the stake at night
My ashes will defy heaven's light
I'll die in flames for my lord
But soon I'll take the earth by storm
Let there be obscurity
Let there be darkness
Holy Priest, before my death
You'll smell my stenchful jackal's breath
You'll kiss the goat in the ass
And pay homage to satanas
Let there be obscurity
Let there be darkness
Fiat obscuritas!
"...and then the skies turned black
And the seas turned red:
Gates of hell were opened
I saw the angels bleed
Was spread the demon seed
As the witch had spoken..."