[skit: house party bonfire] (continued)
Peter: "-doing it when the moment passes."
Levi: "What is happening..."
Kennedy: "Yeah um, that's what scares me. I think that my biggest...my biggest fear...is like going through life and then getting to life-
Colby: "Regretting."
Kennedy: "-really...Are you gunna let me finish what I was saying?
Colby: "Alright I'm sorry."
Kennedy: "...is like going through my whole life and then like getting to like really old and being like regretful of my whole life cuz I didn't do something."
Anaiah: "Cuz you didn't do something."
Kennedy: "Cuz I didn't do something.
Anaiah: "Like-"
Kennedy: "Or I'm like...or i'm like living life wrong."
Anaiah: "Yeah..."
Anaiah: Yeah sometimes the worst...like for me the worst decisions sometimes aren't even like ones that I made...it's like, 'Oh', like I didn't take that chance."
Anaiah: "Wow."
Kennedy: "I have something really annoying."
Anaiah: "What?"
Kennedy: "When I ask Colby what he wants to do and he says 'whatever you want to do'."
Kennedy: "And then he asks me what I wanna do and I'm always like 'well, whatever you want to do."
Anaiah: "Classic!"
Faith: "Oooh..."
Colby: "No! Or like...or I'll get like a bunch of ideas and she's like...'sure'."
Faith: "No, I get like...I get like-"
*everyone singing along*
"Hold up, wait a minute. All good 'bout a week ago.
Crew, at my house, and we party, every week or so."
*portal noise*