[skit: Anaiah on the phone with her]
Anaiah: "Man I just...I just don't understand why but...ok, sorry! Back to my cliche story. I remember...this is so cliche, but, I remember...that...uh. Every like once a month, or like two times a month maybe. There would always be this uh, blonde haired girl that would show up to uh, service. But she would not talk to anyone. And she- I...wasn't even aware that she was there most of the time. It would always be after service ended, I would see her from afar. And then she would be there for maybe like five minutes and then I'd like look around and she wasn't there anymore and her dad was picking her up. And so I never ever, ever talked to her. I never even got close to her because I would always be like...I feel like every time I saw her that's when she was leaving. And I didn't know where she came from, I was always like 'How did you get here? Like, you weren't even here the whole time like-'. But I would always see her at random times and it would always take for- and you know like, when you're younger, a month is like a year? And so it'd always be like, 'What? Oh, yeah, that girl!" Like, did she even exist like, it didn't- I thought that- so...that was always weird to me. And then I never saw her again. And then...
We moved to Portland.