Can't you see what's happening here?
Mom has made Dad disappear
And found someone
That she thinks can replace him
What do you mean?
And like it or not
We're gonna share the house
With a creepy old lady
In a hideous blouse
Who's gonna move in
And slowly she'll erase him
Well, this was not suppose to happen
This is just
A bunch of crap
And no one asked, if I would go along
All at once, the adults have spoken
Now I'm a kid, in a home that's broken
Cause they can't fix all that they did wrong
So this is my life
Isn't this just great
Isn't this just swell?
What the hell
[NATALIE, spoken]
You're not supposed to say that word!
It's a grown up word!
[LYDIA, spoken]
Well the grown up's aren't supposed to act like children
So the way I see it!
All bets are off!
Maybe, it's me
Maybe, I'm to blame
If I hadn't had the party
If my grades weren't lame
If it weren't for me
Would they still be together?
What if it's me
Who made this mess?
I should have smiled a lot more
And cried a little less
Am I the reason why they split forever?
It's all them!
They're the issue!
Her and Him!
And don't it piss you off?
I think, we should all rebel
If this is our life doesn't it make you
Wanna scream and yell?
What the hell
This whole thing sucks more than a little
The way they put us in the middle
Oh, what the hell!
Why can't parents be more parental?
Instead of totally mental
Oh, what the hell
What the hell
What the hell
What the hell-
What the hell
What? What is it?
See what's different here on the wall?
All the picture's with dad
She replaced them all
It's just us and her
Not five but four
Does that mean, we're not family anymore?
This was not suppose to happen
This is just
A bunch of crap
And I don't think that this is fair, at all
There's no way mom is seeing this through
And letting some woman who smells like glue
Come in here and tell us what to do
She knows it won't end well
[MIRANDA, spoken]
Kids, I want you to meet your new nanny!
What the hell