You think I'm insane
Well, maybe it's true
You'd have to be out of your mind
To fight like I do
I know I'm intense
It's just how I cope
In a world that's gone crazy
Am I crazy to hope?
All I've ever wanted
Is to change things for the better
For my mother, for my friends
For every loud little girl like me
For the freedom that I dream of
I would do anything
But should you have to die to be free?
You think I'm insane
Certifiably nuts
You call it hysteria
I call it guts
Is it so insane
To want my own choice?
Wouldn't you be hysterical
If you had no voice?
Oh, all I've ever wanted
Is to change things for the better
For my mother, for my friends
For every loud little girl like me
I know I've made a million mistakes along the way
But if it's all been for nothing
All our heartache every day
If our fighting and hoping and dying has all been in vain
Then I'll go insane
I'll go insane
I'll go insane