Mr. President, hear our cry
Mr. President, hear our cry
We, the women of the country
We, the women of the country
We, the women of the country
We demand to be heard
We demand to be heard
We demand to be seen
We demand to be seen
We demand equality and nothing in between
We demand to be heard
We demand to be heard
We demand to be known
We demand to be known
We demand a voice of our own
We demand an amendment
We demand an amendment
We demand
We demand an amendment
We demand an amendment
I've never felt so alive
Before (I've never felt so alive) (Out here together)
I realize I'm not alone anymore
I feel a part of something bigger
Than me (I feel a part of)
Something bigger exploding open
I feel my world about to change
I want to feel it change
We demand to be seen
We demand to be seen
We demand to be heard
We demand to be heard
We demand our dignity will never be deferred
Our dignity
We demand to be seen
We demand to be seen
We demand to be known
We demand to be known
We demand a voice of our own
We demand an amendment
We demand an amendment
We demand an amendment
We demand
We demand an amendment
We demand an amendment
But then, a mob of sneering men storm the street
Oh, no
Oh, no
Hundreds of hooligans
Spit and jeer
Grabbing my hair
Smacking my rear
Will we make it down the avenue in one piece?
Where are the policemen?
Where are the police?
[INEZ, spoken]
Follow me
[WOMAN, spoken]
Give 'em hell
Get back
Get back
Make way
Make way
You're not stopping us today
Not today
Get back
Get back
Step aside
Step aside
Won't let you break our stride
Let's push our way through the thoroughfare
Mr. President, hear our cry
Inch by inch, we'll make it there
Mr. President, hear our cry
I want my mother to know I was here
I want my sisters to know I was here
I want my great-granddaughter to know I was here
I was here
I want my students to know
I was here
I want my niece to know
I was here
I want your great-granddaughter to know I was here
I was here (I was here)
I was here (I was here)
I was here (I was here)
I want your great-granddaughter to know I was here
We demand to be heard
We demand to be seen
We demand equality and nothing in between
We demand to be heard
We demand
We demand to be known
We demand to be known
We demand a voice of our own
We demand to be heard
We demand to be seen
We demand equality now!