Put my dick in a coconut, it's too hard
Put my dick in a mango, it feels like lard
Put my dick in a pineapple, get stabbed by the spikes
Put my dick in a papaya and it feels just right
Fuckin' Fruit
Fuckin' Fruit
Fuckin' Fruit
Fuckin' Fruit
Try to fuck a cantaloupe but I can't elope with fruit
Try to fuck a blueberry, but I can't, shoot
Try to fuck a date and I feel like a nerd
Try to fuck a kiwi but that's also a bird
Fuckin' Fruit
Fuckin' Fruit
Fuckin' Fruit
Fuckin' Fruit
Tried to fuck an avocado but my dick was acting funny
So I went to the doctor and gave him some money
"You got a Urinary Tract Infection" he said
Now I can't fuck fruit so I'd rather be dead
Fuckin' Fruit
Fuckin' Fruit
Fuckin' Fruit
Fuckin' Fruit
A banana in my urethra
I don’t know uh, maybe something about about strawberries I don’t know