Bop it, twist it, pull it, smack it
See my dick I'm gonna whack it
See that whole I'm gonna snack it
Got an ass you know I'll crack it
Hip, shoulder, arm, or knee
All the same to my D
Ass like a bag of Jell-O
I would even suck a fellow
Ah, I bop it to the beat
Mmmm, got your toes? I'll suck 'em on your feet
Rap better without any socks
Fap better while I'm wearin' my crocs
One, two, three, four
I declare a thumb war
Who can get their finger further down the other's bumhole
Seven, eight, nine, ten
Get ready to go again
Preyin' on that pussy yuh, can I get an A-men?
Not a novice I'm a masturbator
I'ma hook you in the ass, you can call me Matеr
Keep your fart in a jar, I can smell you later
Call me daddy likе I'm motherfuckin' Darth Vader
Bop it, pop it, stop drop and roll
I bopped it too hot, but now I'm out on parole
I'm addicted to bop it, feel it deep in my soul
Something something something something something
Something something something
Gun control
You know, gun control's a pretty serious issue, in
Today's... time and age
It's like, do we need more of it? Do we need less of it?
I mean, uh, what else, what can you do, you know?
Agh, you know, sometimes I feel like if I got shot