And now next up, err, our next act on the Heineken Hammered Stage is... Beach House. Give it up for Beach House
[Skit: Dude 1, Dude 2]
Dude, this is Beach House. They're like, one of the best bands working today. Y-you gotta like clap with the rest of us
I don't wanna clap dude
Why? w-it's-you gotta clap dude. It's like disrespectful to just stand there and enjoy it-
What? what-what did you just say?
I said, it's, like, disrespectful to- stand there and enjoy it but-
Holy fuck, is this actually Beach House? This is like, way more intense than I'm- than I thought that they sounded like. But, yeah dude, I don't wanna clap, I like to just stand there and watch, I don't-I don't like to cla- what the fuck?
I'll clap when I'm dead, bullet in my head
I'll clap when I'm dead, bullet in my head
I'll clap when I'm dead, bullet in my head
I'll clap when I'm- clap when I'm- clap-
[Glitched vocals]
I'll clap when I'm dead, bullet in my head
I'll clap when I'm dead, bullet in my head
I'll clap when I'm dead, bullet in my head
I'll clap when I'm- clap when I'm- clap-
[Skit 2: Dude 1, Dude 2]
Holy shit
What were we talking about? Oh right yeah, the whole clapping thing, yeah, like I was saying, I like to just- I like to just stand, ya know, sometimes I fold my arms even when I'm having a good time, sometimes I like to just stand and watch the show. Ya know, I understand the band that's energy from a, from a crowd that's uhh ya know, active and energetic, but, I just like to dissect a show and enjoy it and take it in. Yeah, but I- goddammit I can't hear a fucking thing
(You stupid disrespectful fuck!)
Clap motherfucker, come on
Bullet in my head-
Whoa wait, stop the music. This is Beach House, listen up
T-That fucking guy- that fucking-
That fucking guy isn't clapping!