[Verse 1]
Beginning with daylight
Stars as I open my eyes
Turn blue from a soft white
And my room feels cold and dry
[Verse 2]
I walk from the house to
The barn that sits down by the brook
Find a hole to peer through
See a jacket there on a hook
I fault, I freeze
There’s a person in front of me
On hay, he sleeps
I’ve got to go, tell someone here
A man’s bedding down by the sheep
[Verse 3]
I run to the yard where
Within the thick of the brush
My parents at work there
And I beg them both to hush
[Verse 4]
Tell them of the barn where
I went to tend to a lamb
Just before I entered
Saw a total stranger, a man
Their faces red
From the words I had just said
What should we do
Light up a match, pick up a stone?
Get him before he gets you
[Verse 5]
We’ve chosen our new plan
Quietly tip to the barn
We confront the strange man
And we welcome him to our farm
We hand him some
Bread and butter and spiced rum
He was just strange
But now we know
He’s just someone
Making his way to the grange