(Go now) Gotta get outback
(Go now) I ain't comin' back
Out the door, onto the road
Off the highway, here we go
(Go now) This city was fun
(Go now) But I've gotta run
Far away from this town
Grab that billy and swing it 'round
(Now) While the feeling's right
(Now) Drive all day and drive all night
(Go now) I seek release
(Go now) All I want is peace
Free my troubled mind
Reveal the real that I can't find
(Go now) All the filth and smoke
I think I'm gonna choke
Where the air is clear
Far enough from here
(Now) I can see it in my mind
(Now) And it looks like paradise
Aw, gimme that wheel, I'll spin her 'round
Take us where we won't be found
Jump in the water and splash around
We'll be so happy we won't touch ground
Block the roads and stop the trains
Cover each exit and watch the planes
Dig a moat and a mine field, too
Build a fence and we'll break through
Oh, go
Silly human race fighting for a piece of space
All the scenic waste, ugly things in such bad taste
(Go now) Land from coast to coast
That's what we like the most
Whirl, whirl, twist and slide, let me off I hate this ride
I feel good
(Go now) Hit the dusty track
(Go now) We're not comin' back
You know we just can't wait
You can drive and I'll navigate
(Go now) It's time to pack
The wind is whistling through the racks
And it's singing a familiar song that says, "Don't come back"
You won't find us sittin' 'round
We're on an open road
We don't know where we are bound, hey