[Verse 1]
Misery is my company, she has always been my friend
Oh, it’s the sort of friendship that I fear will never end
Sometimes when I see her coming, I try to pretend
That she ain’t my most familiar feeling toward I tend
And when she reaches out to me, I can not help but go
Right to her side I'll sit and stare into the depths below
I try to walk away but she will not let me go
Misery is my company, how to leave her, I don't know
I keep on finding myself standing on this sharp, unsteady ground
Clinging to my misery, too afraid to look around
And once I follow her out to this dark and dreary land
Oh wеll I can't find my way back home, I tremble whеre I stand
[Verse 2]
Misery is my company, I’m so comfortable with her
And when I see her face I can feel finally understood
I try to stay away because I know she ain't no good
But into her sweet cold embrace, I’m always gently lured
I keep on finding myself standing on this sharp, unsteady ground
Clinging to my misery, too afraid to look around
And once I follow her out to this dark and dreary place
Well I can hardly breathe and tears are streaming down my face
[Verse 3]
Misery is my company, yes, I know her far too well
And even when I move around she finds me where I dwell
I tell her to go away, sometimes I even yell
But habits they die hard, we’re walking hand in hand to hell
I keep on finding myself standing on this sharp, unsteady ground
Clinging to my misery, too afraid to look around
And once I follow her out to this dark and dreary land
Well I can't find my way back home, I tremble where I stand