This isn’t where I thought we would be
Half a decade deep celebrating white supremacy
Fear is an easy sell, like reality TV
Evangelicals chose the candidate of bigotry, the hypocrisy
Privilege is ignition
It burns in the alt-right
These are people who think women should be in kitchens
These are people still against miscegenation who think white men are maligned
And they speak their minds
So I’ll speak mine
When you politicize reproductive rights
You threaten the lives of people that I love
When your immigration line is that it’s deportation time
You threaten to destroy families that I love
Dr. King dreamed about equality this morning I woke up and felt like that dream died
The successor to my county’s first black president
Is a KKK supported, climate change denying, misogynist who lies
72 percent of the time
It still makes me cry
What do you say to the kids that wake up today
Who aren’t Christian, white, able-bodied, and straight?
It’s hard to teach them to love even in dissent
When ridicule is embraced by the president
So now we’re standing in the present naval gazing at the past
Depending on where you’re standing it might not look that bad
If that’s the case you’ve been had
We can never go back
This isn’t where I thought we would be
Half a decade deep celebrating white supremacy