The forging of Mjolnir
loki the trickster in a mischievous mood
his prank cost Sif, her golden hair.
how could he even dare?
Thor raged, "I'll break all your bones I swear!
sly loki exclaimed “please, thor no!
to svartalfaheim I shall go!
to the depts of the dwarves’ lair.
they can fashion sif a new head of hair.
the sons of ivaldi the famed of old,
fashioned sif's gorgeous hair of gold,
along with the best of ships
and the deadliest of spears.
Brokkr and Sindir, Loki now taunted,
“surely you are unable to match these!”
the pride of the brothers was put to the test.
three marvels they fashioned to see who was best.
The wager, each one's head
transformed into a fly
Loki bit Brokks eye
leaving Mjolnir short handled instead
hither to Asgard they went.
"'it is time to collect our debt
For on Loki's head we are bent.
three marvels with us to the gods to present."
with challenge now won
the gods quickly agreed,
The mighty hammer Mjolnir
was first in the lead.
now Loki's head for their good deed.
“to my neck I have not agreed.”
these were the words Loki quipped.
with that the brothers sewed up his lips