夢の中で 私見たの
魔人の顔は ちょっとキライな
声がでっかい あの人に似ている
ラッキーDAY 今日は
理屈じゃないとこで 幸せが訪れる
そんな日になるって 決めたからなる
心を動かす 少し強くなる
拳ひとつで 隕石をぶち破る
ラッキーDAY 今日は
理屈じゃないところで 幸せが訪れる
そんな日になるって 決めたからなる
夢の中で 私見たの
I saw it in my dream
Daimajin can be eaten by dinosaurs
The devil's face is a little disgusting
She has a big voice and she looks like that person
Lucky DAY today
Happiness comes when it's not logical
It's because I decided that it would be such a day
"It's the worst!"
Try throwing pebbles from the window
I laughed and said, "You can't go down."
Move your heart a little stronger
Break through meteorites with one fist
Lucky DAY today
Happiness comes where it is not logical
It's because I decided that it would be such a day
I saw it in my dream
Daimajin can be eaten by dinosaurs