I hope every single day you put your socks on backward
I hope you cry at night
and can’t call me after
I don’t hope that you’d die;
just live to 75
And you spend every waking moment
Wishing you felt alive.
I hope that some girl takes a picture
of your sleeping body.
Wish you could go a single week
and not hurt anybody.
I hope your coee every morning
is bitter and cold.
I hope you’re busy Christmas morning
and you miss the snow.
I hope your team loses the finals
I mean they already lost the finals
But the next one
And I hope that you scratch up all of your vinyls.
Hope you drive 80 miles
In your expensive car,
and run out of gas
in the wild.
I hope your knees ache
and your back hurts,
hope you lose your second phone
or can’t remember the password.
I hope every girl unites and they decide you’re a joke
But if they are anything like you
then I know that they won’t
’Cause their self-esteem levels are fatally low.
So you bury your pain inside them
after the show.
I hope your brother turns out to be nothing like you.
Hope another year passes
and you hurt even more than I do.
Used to live up the street from you
but since then I moved.
My new house is clean
and the sky’s always blue.
I sing in the shower
and I walk around naked.
I love my whole body
though you once made me hate it.
I eat lots of pancakes
and drown them in honey.
I’ve made lots of handshakes
and made lots of money.
I smile and sigh when I crawl into bed
’Cause there’s no more scar tissue
inside my head.
I heard what you’re up to
I’m glad that I left.
I feel like myself again deep in my chest.
I wish you the best.