Between Two Worlds
Clear sights through the dephts I ride.
Inside my mind the thoughts l hide.
I ought to bear my existence.
And burn to be.
The vision that was brought to me.
Not different from my fantasy.
Between two worlds l am.
Quested not to be.
Not to be.
l ride beyond the realms of the past.
l see the sights of what won't last.
From the blinding daylight
to the utter dark.
The golden winter blows a breeze.
Not different from my fantasies.
Dark and light, far in sight.
Quested not to be.
Not to be.
Too long l have slept in the shadows.
Too long l have dwelled in the shades.
Too long l have searched for desires.
Release me so l can awake.
Stone the soul.
With nothing return to.
Between two worlds...
Between two worlds.
Clear sights through the dephts I ride.
Inside my mind the thoughts l hide.
I ought to bear my existence.
And burn to be.
The vision that was brought to me.
Not different from my fantasies.
Between two worlds l am.
Quested not to be.
Quested not to be.