Framed in a jagged window of grey stones
These wooded pastures have a dream-like air.
You thrill with disbelief
To see the cattle move in a green field.
Grey Purbeck houses by the sun deceived
Sleep with the easy conscience of the old;
The swathes are sweet on slopes new harvested;
Householders prune their gardens, count the slugs;
Thе beanrows flicker flowers rеd as flames.
Those to whom life is a picture card
Get their cheap thrill where here the centuries stand
A thrusting mass transfigured by the sun
Reeling above the streets and crowing farms.
The rooks and skylarks are okey for sound,
The toppling bastions innocent with stock.
Love grows impulsive here: the best forget;
The failures of the earth and will try again.
She would go back to him if he but asked.
The tawny thrush is silent; when he sings
His silence is fulfilled. Who wants to talk
As trippers do?Yet, love,
Before we go be simple as this grass.
Lie rustling for this last time in my arms.
Quicken the dying island with your breath.