Penny candy from the corner store
Was your gateway drug
To jawbreakers and jolly ranchers
And all the harder stuff
You've ground your teeth to smithereens
But not your sweet tooth, so it seems
A pillowcase full of treats
It ain’t even Halloween
You'd better know
What your habit's been costing
Cold sweats and gritted teeth
Covered in frosting
They call it all junk food
You’re just a junkie with a sweet tooth
All you do is brood
With a mouth full of Skittles, dude
Can you taste the rainbow?
Or can you only taste the chemicals?
This is your equivalent
To burning sage and pentacles
These sugar cravings
Got you turning and tossing
Cold sweats and gritted teeth
Covered in frosting
You've got a sweet heart
That burns when it's exposed
But it's hard to handle the heat
When you're alone
You played Chubby Bunny
With cinnamon hearts
Until your mouth turned red
Just to feel something on Valentine's Day
With no one in your bed
It burned until the sores on your gums bled
You'd better know
What your habit's been costing
Cold sweats and gritted teeth
Covered in frosting
These sugar cravings
Got you turning and tossing
Cold sweats and gritted teeth
Covered in frosting
Frosting and shame
Pixie Sticks and poprocks
Are your Molly and cocaine
You don’t fuck with edibles
Molly or injectibles
You just want a reason
Not to eat your vegetables
You’re no different
Than a doughnut-fiending cop
Just a madman
Sucking on a lolipop
You'd better know
What your habit’s been costing
Cold sweats and gritted teeth
Covered in frosting
These sugar cravings
Got you turning and tossing
Cold sweats and gritted teeth
Covered in frosting
Covered in frosting