Bingo and Rolly: Waiting around
Doesn't have to be boring
Bingo: There are
Bingo and Rolly: Lots of ways to make it fun
Bingo: Yeah!
Bingo and Rolly: My brother and I are gonna sing you a number
About how to move the time along
You can twiddle your thumbs
Clap your paws or make a funny face
Rolly: Play "I Spy" with that lizard eye
Bingo and Rolly: Chase your best buddy all over the place
We're gonna be here for a bit
So, let's make the best of it
Bingo: We can sit here awkwardly
Rolly: But who wants that?
Bingo: Let's make
Bingo and Rolly: The most of the moments
Till that birdie comes back
Bingo: All right, everybody, join in!
Bingo and Rolly: Oh, you can...
Bird: Flap my wings
Guinea pig: Try to sing
Bingo and Rolly: Or make a funny face
Raccoon: Wiggle my nose
Lizard: Strike a pose
Bingo and Rolly: Or dance real goofy all over the place
We're gonna be here for a bit
So, let's make the best of it
Bingo: We can sit here awkwardly
Rolly: Most uncomfortably
Bingo: But, hey, let's use this time more productively
All: And all join in on the act
Till that bird, we've been waiting for comes back