When your wars move through me, your wars move through me
I am broken from the commotion, to return with this sense of notation
Dearest whom I adore, forevermore
Forevermore, forevermore.......
It's as far, far, as the eye can see
When the sun knows not 'till Heaven clears
Heaven clears, Heaven's here
It's as far, far, as you want to be
Where doth you laid with me
Come, comеth to be
Out of your Memory
I, have impossibly
Insight, I havе the right- Where the interest bares what's untold of this pair
Have thereth ever portrayed
I have the words, when you have the verbs
The world can rest within it's absurd
It's as far, far, as the eye can see
When the sun knows not 'till Heaven clears
Heaven clears, Heaven's here
It's as far, far, as you want to be
Where doth you laid with me
Come, cometh to be
Out of your Memory
I, have impossibly
When your wars move through me, your wars move through me
It's as far, far, as the eye can see
When the sun knows not 'till Heaven clears
Heaven clears, Heaven's here
It's as far, far, as you want to be
Where doth you laid with me
Come, cometh to be
Out of your Memory
I, have impossibly
You reflect what was interject within an amount of respect
Fill not what is want not, go forth and be forth from
When your wars move through me, your wars move through me