updated 9/17/2022
Producing is probably what I meant besides publishing a book over the lyrics to all 260 songs that was the purpose of my original project with 13 genres or a mixture within 20 albums
In a PsyIns that I turned into some of the colleges, I go over sensitivities to teaching under the topics for cognitive intervention in therapy through music writings or whatever
For the most part I was pressured to write sing and record in the middle of the pandemic on top of working so I know the majority of my stuff is not radio quality ready so you can make fun of me until I gеt there and I started dеsigning software hand outlined over points in music within itself for the audio engineering to discover and learn with the artist in this case being me and my blunders
It is what I imagine a former friend who was a dyslexic architect went through in correcting himself to showcase his ideas and abilities, we used to call him John with the Tiberon & he married someone who was not me named Andrea after one of my best friends, but I also don't want to step outside of others HIPPA data that have been students colleagues with the same disorder and say who their family is, I attempt at all costs for people to be proud of their quality of life and whatever it is they want to self-identify with and how they want to disclose that to the public
I am pretty agitated from physical hunger in terms of wanting War, so I might want to give that out with the whole Russia invasion of Ukraine- I would like to see a Turtles move in the game of Risk to tear Russia apart for the World Hunger Crisis and instability and personal matters with why I asked the Great State of Texas to do more Aerospace without them to make Texas a home to launch from because of physical attempts on my life by Russian nationalists that I don't really want to get into.
I dropped being fluent in Russian as a requirement to apply for the astronaut over it due to those issues and shortcomings of my own in someone that watches me much more often than I have the attention span to pay attention to and I offered to send someone to help with his wedding if he was going to get married while he asked me not to get married and to work on my rap game.
He has Social Anxiety Disorder which is on the spectrum of Autism, so I won't go into gory details about the social awkwardness and specifics to how many people in a room it makes his skin crawl and gives him anxiety, or the communication aspects of him, but I have met many people with Autism within my life, so I decided to do a song about that as well as OCD, which it kind of indeterminant as to whether or not that is a spectrum specific disorder within the same realm, but moving on, those two I have outlines & just didn't want it to sound like people were going to listen to a doctor listing symptoms to diagnosis, when I wrote Schizophrenia, it is not from a presentation I gave over the subject matter, but I try to be careful not to spread rumors or misinformation & feel the truth is what it means to all individuals, so when we discuss A Beautiful Mind the movie about Nash, the positive characteristics of creativity for which people that can suffer from any disorder is more prominent in the types of positive or negative symptoms & my song sounds pretty depressing, but I wanted people not to feel alone if that was their thing from what patients or people have reported to me in terms of it, while also giving some history and background in modernality for the uniqueness that is possible in all human beings, and just as we do not measure language between language in terms if linguistics, the origin of the language speaker matters mores than the distance in time between languages in their foundation creation or location in order to measure it.
I will not name professors that think you should appreciate Schizophrenia, if they want to identify that way, or if any of them have identified that way to me, I would keep their confidentiality, & just as I tell members of the military are brains can all have neuroplasticity to experience trauma, we go through it, we understand it, we share it hopefully when it gets to be too much and kills out neurons and overloads to the point of breaking, but we do not wallow and live in it and let it stay there perpetually.
Moving on with that Tales of Your Incompetency, is taken partially from the exams that test someone's knowledge over insanity & it is infused with fashion sort of like an attitude in regards to court room rules and procedures, & I know that people celebrate being crazy or calling other crazy or owning their own insanity, but having worked in different aspects of prison reform, and politicians, and just the mind in general, I was wanting to not celebrate being considered a lunatic in a negative demeanor, & if someone struggled with reading and was more listening, I am basically giving out test answers and making a production out of it, which I may not have the authority to administer in terms of putting away the forensic pyschiatry student hat, I once listed consortuim
I am a little fatigued at 12 hours writing this, so moving on so I don't have to edit everything I ruin in typing falling asleep doing so
Miss D-Adeline, sang and most of these songs I put together all of the music and publish it without doing the audio engineering so some of it is too complicated for the human ear and may sound good the whole way through until you haven't double checked your criteria
I recognize this because I had to learn going over it and then listening
& I am recording from home trying to come up with studio money to record live after pracitcing, my dog peed on my NIH Rural meeting notes so I had to let it dry to go back and retype it and some humor politically I wanted to do both sides of the isle to raise money as a character at some point
On the Off is sung needs pairing & I put together with the help of purchasing outsourcing 50 composures, Itty Bitty Titty Committy I can see why my father decided to be an asshole and die on the day I wrote this because it has lots of facts & he would
speaking of which
I was in the hospital recently & have had a lot of death threats and a few physical altercations
I got tired of being spit on at one point and called names so I bumped into a wannabe gang banger with my NASA tshit and he started sending his foot soldiers to case a little but besides that I took a hammer and put a hole where someone was hiding to pepper spray them and the police came by multiple times but at one point they wanted me to meet them at a local elementary school while I was in the hospital and couldn't move my feet so I had to change hospitals and come back & whoever was crying about me being in there the students and doctors were like well we gotta get you outta here
It is not a disrespect, I used some of their tag names from their family members and I couldn't feel the damage from being attacked on my feet & didn't know it was infected I thought I just sprained it & crutches have been really hard to learn to use because I may step on the infected part and then on the other to relieve it opens up the wound but moving on
In Your Eyes You Take Me- I do not think I have sung this yet but I wrote it and sent it to someone
It is about him and one of his girlfriends and him being a long distance to her
So Bri Et Y is specific to about the AA org
Crescendascope is written
Out of Your Memory is sung but needs music
Dedicate needs church background music
Pink Economy written needs pairing
Magenta Placenta written pairing needed
God Family & Country, is dedicated to raising money for the Daughters of the American Revolution & however they want to use it, I had an original version that I could not find, I loved the Gilmore girls because I had to be in hiding quite a bit after my abortion and then full term pregnancy & I have a friend who is a photographer with that last name
I am being really picky with GF&C because I also recognize the cries of people who may not have the same historical background within finding their ancestry & I think the harsh realities of recognizing America as a super power is to not only honor our ancestors and our history, but to share the humanity in it's resolve for the progress we have made in carrying our traditions or founding new ones, & just as every family wants to feel rare or accepted into whatever societies they belong to, our Constitution states Freedoms that not the Entire World is adhered to, so our Nationalism is distinctly different from outside nations and even when we fight over Nation Building, the calling to remove ourselves and not colonize third world countries to give everyone their own voice and protect our allies has been quite a fine line that shapes the world today, and I really wanted to stay away from being too biblical in the sense of where we find abnormalities in some of the royal blood line of families that integrated or give out rare diseases from inner breeding that doesn't happen as often after we reached past the years 1400-1676 & then the next hundred years and up until we recognize America as in it's founding.
I am not a fan of anti-America rhetoric, but I believe in the people's ability to express themselves if they are venting about America, same as other countries- I may not feel the need to topple China or blame them from viruses, but I appreciate listening to their leader Xi saying he doesn't want them to be treated like slaves either, and India and them while being Allies with Russia dealing with their oligarchy by not bowing down either and Totaltarian attitudes from Vladamir Putin, World Domination in simulation and board games and Warfare doesn't have an absolute power as a winner because when you harm enough Europeans, Asians, Africans, or any continent, you upset the balance of functionality and peace for a cycle of war because it is never enough and your country in itself isn't going to rule the world- every country has a voice and history and for those who hate North America or Western type civilization due to their beliefs and powers they struggle in their own country with- we don't go make plans to colonize their countries and take over, our diplomatic relations are fairly spelled out in NATO & USMCA or whatever the kids are calling it these days.
Uncommon Prayers is really about literal landing on waters with rocketships & a little too romantic from former mentors coaxing me to take on personalities as the wife of someone I don't want to babysit being a foreign national no matter what wealth
I have a song I wasn't sure if I had published that has a blank title
TBI probably sounds like a silly song to sing about but I have met some brilliant scientists that have devices to measure them & I kind of feel like trying to design an app to prevent CTE with modern technology we should be able to prevent concussions from toughening it's tissue so we don't have to collect and only diagnose post mortum but whatever I also have an attitude T-shirt that says Repeat Offenders Welcome & had a D magazine picture of brains in a bucket with some alterations on the front totally off the subject
Normal- I didn't really write about homeostasis & I had forgot there is a NRML movement so I didn't want to have to be in between correctional officers children getting into trouble with california m card holders robbing immigrants that are here legally as farm or construction workers
or my short stint as a provisional loan officer telling people out partying raising interest rates at the closing table the economy will collapse if you force people who do not speak English as a first language to take out things they cannot afford and being fired for not joining the bandwagon but also that that attitude isn't where you stop because greed doesn't work that way
you may start with the most vulnerable but it will not satisfy your hunger you will soon do that to everyone and I left in 2007/2008 anyways
#MeToo I was going to go off on the movement, starting with something like Me Too Everyone fcuk knew it was their religious right it's something you get used too kind of in a plague manner for why I have an IUD in the first place ¬ being a giraffe
I have also been reading heavily on diphthongs because of some of the foreign songs that I wrote and the way the throat has to make sounds for the vowels
I rewrote a PPT called Aspire for teaching
I am going over notes and seeing like 500 to find any songs I may not have uploaded that I wrote & I have a few and my bad 708
reading something about Magnus Carlsen and I am part Norweigian
that is like 300 notes so I am at 233 if I have trance dance and Sanskrit Writ I had a Neurosurgeon with a famous brother who acts as an actor call so I am not sure if I put that song together I remember how embarassing it was to write it to find out the guy was a computer programmer that couldn't read and then I wrote the song before then it was poetry after he would say high for like 2 years in the IT department at SMU & I have a graduation photo with him he wants me not to travel to India alone the way I did on a Holocaust tour by myself to Poland
Never Let Go written needs singing and music