So I have lost Tales of your Incompotency to make an Insanity Fun Testing over Competency evaluation knowing your rights for court when you are charged with a crime- have to redo some internal notes stuck from a Florida trip requested for NASA Holidays on Dec 2020- Jan 7th 2021
In honor of a Late Professor, I am finishing some brain songs for his interests in research
or being careful for his co-workers who made statements about appreciating things like "Schizophrenia" for which I was credited giving a Prezi presentation that audio did a slide show with my voice to present to the class, so I will attune education prominent people in History without giving out people I know, & then have a balanced explanation of positive symptoms in terms of the creative aspects of their brains versus detrimental & to not encourage it from a sociopathic persona as to allued to the irrationality thoughts everyone can have or paranois
basically I am not wanting to popularize paranoia to encourage death and destruction to others for the way the industry normally makes publicizing anti-social groups to be influenctial in criminal intent and activities by harming themselves or others so absolutely no EMO if that is your genre
I will discuss hallucinizations or fears and biological aspects without it taking sizes to classes of people, movements, race, or any construct that would target those constructs being characteristics of exclusion away from the aspects of schizophrenia
for autism I will show the positive characteristics of different Sensory and perceptions of the Spectrum of Autistic populations without getting to gory or dramatic if there is a non-verbal or a defect from perceptions within these groups
My main point is to promote the education of humanistic and scientific inquiry as to not sugar coat the diseases but to not make it a rioting point of classifying people to be unacceptable in society in terms of abilities percieved real or otherwise in the non (typeo)
For the Brain Drain of OCD- I was trying to be SUPRISINGLY UPBEAT with like hey if you think everything around you is dirty you being clean by cleaning everything even though it interferes with your ability to enjoy other aspects of your life when it is in its extreme is well intended
They don't really list enough on WedMD & you have so many cross overs on the emotional aspect wheels as to what constitutes different forms of it
I am probably going to say Social Anxiety Disorder, while a form of Autism is going to be grouped within putting OCD kind of under the ASD guidelines to a degree/extenet
& I got specific into numbering writing out the last 60 but I am at 224 or 225 so now I need around 36 songs left
Some of the above mentioned were included so they do not count towards the 36
In Honor of the Late Dr. Aage Moller I am publishing some of these songs as they were apart of his most highly favored interests along with "Hearing" but I am not singing about Tinnitus and will be attempting to outline software for corrections of my pressured and pushed through singing the first time in a studio without practicing where I am extremely nervous and not listening comfortable to my own voice with like a singers or singing autocorrect if you will and put in parts of a pitch deck I think as I wrote everything by hand trying to listen
my teeth are overdue and in lots of pain from being hit intentionally by a car so working towards getting that resolved
I sang about 10 topics this mornign or wwent over their formatting and my screen is being jumpy so I need to check my router connection