Bite the bullet
Break a leg
Call it a day
We said we’ll cross the bridge
When it comes our way
But the last boat has sailed
It’s too late
The ship has sailed
For us it’s always
Too late
There is nothing is left but
Razor teeth
And shredded skin
Once again I bite the dust
Tame in the tallest hour
That I may forever
Forever sour
Place in the valley of mine
That I may touch your divine
Praise me place in the valley of thine
That you may serve me evermore
The sound of screaming
Follow the sound of screaming
The sound of dreams dying
We eat
We feast
Feed the masses
They deserve a treat
Those who choose the high
Those who live to get high
Are doomed to live with souls
That will never grow
They will never know
Addict of ideals
My needs are special but
Junk always wins
My weapon
Of choice
Becomes my vice
We are judged by
How we honour our dead
But fake gods
Wait at every gate
We despise those
Who remind us
How we really are
We fashion new idols
Glowing bodies
Of plastic and meat
Offerings of flesh they seek
Venerate your trash lords
Celebrate your false gods
Eat your idols
And for a moment
You become
What you seek
Lure the blind
Lead the weak
Live the lives
We will never lead
Fall like Prometheus
Brought the fire meant to light the way
Burn in the fire meant to light the way
We will never become
What we hope to be
Life’s a slippery road
To the bottom of the barrel
Feel the air
Feel the wind
Feel the sick drop
As you fall between
The devil
And the deep blue sea
I hope you drown
In the rain you prayed for
You can play your games
Even try to call me names
But I will
Wait in the water
For the coming of a god
Who will trouble these borders