From time immemorial
Throughout the history
Of mankind
They thrive and live amongst us
Parasites of the earth
They take more than they need
They take all they can
Rise to the top
Scum of the land
Rise to the top
Scum of the Land
Rise to the top
Scum of the Land
From prince to prophet
Politician to preacher
From every pinnacle of power
Every enterprise
They cast their nets across oceans and seas
They spill and sell the bloods of the earth
They leech upon the fat of the land
In the name of profit and power
You are scum of the earth
You are scum of the land
The scum of the earth
Is the race of man
When floodwaters pour over the continents
When the face of the earth turns to clay and dust
What remains at the end
A world covered in sand
Dust returns to earth
The Scum of the Land
In the cesspit of society
The type of Scum are plenty
From apex predator
To lowlife bottom feeder
Parasitic critter
They lurk amongst us
Parasites as man
They prey on the weak and powerless
The Scum of the Land
Rise to the top
Scum of the Land
Rise to the top
Scum of the Land
You are scum of the earth
You are scum of the land
The scum of the earth
Is the race of man
When all life on earth is driven to extinction
When plagues and famines
Ravage our lands
The human race will finally destroy itself
And its world
And we shall drown
In oceans of our filth and waste
Slain by own his ambition
And progress
His nations and cities will crumble
Monuments will fall
What's left at the end
A world covered in sand
Dust returns to earth
The Scum of the Land
Scum off the land
Scum of the land
We purge all the fat and marrow from our lands
Earth will be nothing but a barren desert
Of empty fields
And famished men
Scum of the earth