They say that love always starts with a moment
A radical encounter
That first instance
A paradigm shift that transforms one’s experience of time
And one’s lasting in life
Do you remember where it all began
When you found me at The Worlds End
We talked
And we fucked
To the proximity of dawn
Deeper conversations
The imminence of a new day
New life
We became strangers no more
You recognisеd me from a thousand lives beforе
I believe that I dreamed you into life
You became real to me in no time
My new reality
From the heights of heaven to the depths of hell
Everything between the mundane, the sublime
When I am with you, time stops
The worlds stand still
A new dimension with you
The full spectrum
You released the world in me
A raging fire
Inward implosions
Outward explosions
A glowing nebula of new-born stars
I am fuelled with your warmth
The warmest of warmth
You unleashed the world in me
Hot white lava
And just like that
I am full
I am filled
I am fulfilled
Come inside where it’s warm
Come inside where it’s safe
Cover me with your glaze
Always keep me in your gaze
My heart
We have come such a long way in such a short time
Imagine how much in one lifetime
With you, and through you
I unlocked the gates to a place I never thought I'd see
With keys that I never thought I'd use
But kept safe
Just in case
Stay with me
I promise never to lead you astray
Stay with me
I promise never to look another way
Here we are at last
We have found a bridge across the oceans and seas that have separated us
Finally we will never be apart
Promise me my love
If we ever lose our way Promise to meet me back here
Where it all began
At The Worlds End