Today is the day
All the world is watching
The greatest show
Ever shown
The crowd is swelling
Barricades are bursting
A great gathering
The big maggot parade
Ladies and lesser men
Seekers of mysteries
You are about to witness
The greatest miracle
Ever performed
She returns
From the world beyond
Fresh from the crucible
Rise, Lazarus, rise
Get up, come forth, arise
Get up and rise
Get up, come forth, arise
I may seem dead
But I am coming back to life
I rise
One limb at a time
Till I am restored
And revived
I move an inch first
Then later a mile
I stagger to my feet
And you shall see me stand
Glorious and free
Gloriously free
Here are my hands
And these are my feet
I am awake
I am complete
Feel and touch my legs and thighs
I am watching you with open eyes
Did you enjoy the great strip and tell
Look at me
Do I terrify
Do not confuse me for a goddess
Gods have mercy
But not I
Shut your mouths and let me speak
For I will slay you with your words
You will die only one once
But I have lived a thousand lives