The human race has been living in fear for years
No one to trust
Who do we blame
Millions have died because their leaders gambled with lives
Who are they to decide who lives and who dies
They put wealth
Over our health
They count us dead
While we are alive
They let bodies pile
Then feed us lies
Don’t lie
Don’t waste my timе
The culling of man
The great dividе
Priority to the rich
The poor die like flies
Thrive and despise
No more love
For those demised
You count the dead
Before they die
You prosper on fucking lies
A great chasm has formed within our societies
A story of two nations, rich and poor
Rising inequality and injustice
The worst of human nature, amplified
You let the masses congregate
Knowing thousands will die
You gamble with lives
Ignore the science
Your policy has cost thousands of lives
You look away
As the bodies pile high
You count us dead
While we are alive
Count the dead
Before they die
Thrive and despise
No more love
For those demised
You count the dead
Before they die
You prosper on fucking lies
Thrive and despise
No more love
For those demised
You count the dead
Before they die
You prosper on fucking lies
Don’t lie
Don’t waste my time
Now is time for the human race to rise up
Our leaders have fed us lies for far too long
What humanity needs is a great reset
Find ways to harmonise
Not polarise
Follow no leader
But leave no one behind