[John Erwin]
I know you, Gemini
By your deep need for self expression
By all your words, deeds, arguments, inventions
And all the results of your mind, energy, and skill
I know you by the swift, endless current of ideas that flow through time
By the importance of thought in man's evolving
And your knowledge that if the brain sleeps, the emotions can be fatal
[Nancy Priddy]
I have seen you, Gemini
Quick with your hands, light on your feet
Doing everything at once
Easily, gracefully, swiftly, constantly in motion, mercurial
Covering all the bases
Here one instant, gone the next
[Michael Bell]
I have heard you, Gemini
Asking why
And getting your answers any way and anywhere you can
Shooting your quick darts of wit, that hit their mark almost every time
Catching the rhythm of now with your snapdragon mind
Learning all the time, always trying to understand everything at once
[John Erwin]
Gemini, your word is "intellect"
From the Latin word "ingenium"
Meaning, "genius"